According to Rinker

While Chuck considers himself a thought leader in artificial intelligence and digital personalities, this is a tribute to his late grandfather, Bill Hoyle, who was a thought leader and activist in Washington and had a column in the Washington Post called 'According to Hoyle’.

Passionate Pioneers Podcast: Enhancing Patient Engagement with AI Avatars with Chuck Rinker

Passionate Pioneers podcast host, Mike Biselli talks with Chuck about pioneering digital personality technology revolutionizing healthcare engagement.

Integrative Cancer Solutions Podcast: AI Helps Empower Patients with host Dr. Michael Karlfeltdt

Integrative Cancer Solutions podcast host Dr. Michael Karlfeldt talks with Chuck Rinker about his own battle with cancer & utilizing AI avatars to support patients.

The Relationship Between AI and Humanity on this Episode of Redefining Society Podcast with host, Marco Ciappelli

Redefining Society podcast Host Marco Ciappelli and Chuck Rinker talk about the relationship between AI and humanity & what if AI is not just merely a tool.

The Clinical Trials Guru Podcast discussing Clinical Research Avatars

The Clinical Trials Guru podcast host Dan Sfera talks with Chuck Rinker about how AI avatars can affect the efficiency and outcomes of clinical trials

from LAB to LAUNCH podcast: Programming Humanity into AI to Improve Clinical Trials

from LAB to LAUNCH podcast host Kelly Stanton chatted with Chuck Rinker about how iHealthAssist and digital personalities can change how we engage.

The Doctor Whisperer Show featuring Chuck Rinker

The Doctor Whisperer host Sharon Fekete chats with CEO of PRSONAS™ Chuck Rinker about the impact AI is having on patient engagement & staff productivity.

DocPreneur Leadership Podcast: The Uncanny Valley of Healthcare AI

DocPreneur Leadership Podcast hosted our CEO, Chuck Rinker to discuss the positive impact artificial intelligence will have on healthcare & clinical trials.

The MedTech Podcast: Digital Personalities

Chuck Rinker speaks on The MedTech Podcast with host Karandeep Singh Badwal about PRSONAS™ digital personalities & how they are different from digital humans.